Monday, February 15, 2010

Rainbow table covering

One of the first things I learned about when I moved to Grinnell in March 2006 was the wonderful ecumenical Lenten services held every Wednesday at a different church, with a little lunch served afterwards.  I look forward to attending these every year.

This year I was invited to participate by doing a visual project for one of the services.  The planners are trying to bring in different arts including visual, music and poetry.  I am the only visual artist and they pretty much gave me freedom to design the project.

The theme is feasting and fasting and my project is going to be "Feasting" centering around the parable of the wedding banquet.  Now I am not ready to reveal too many details of my project yet, but I am hard at work on a rainbow table covering.  I am not going to call it a quilt, at least not yet, as I am not a real quilter.  But I am a color person at heart and I am loving using the rainbow of fabrics I have gathered to make blocks.

Snow dyeing results Final!

Finally getting around to posting photos of my final results for the snow dyeing.  All of my experimenting paid off and I am pleased with the results.  I have shipped off some pieces and received some beautiful pieces back in the swap.

These are done on prepared for dyeing Kona cotton.